+44 (0)1223 465500

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Møller Institute
Churchill College, Storey’s Way,
Cambridge, United Kingdom CB3 0DE

SAT NAV: Use postcode CB3 0DS

How to find us and parking information

Conference Facilities for 10 Delegates


tech (2)

Why sustainable event management is booming

picture of moller institute breakfast

Brain food: Improve team bonding with food

Picture of an off-site meeting at Moller Institute

Discover the benefits of off-site meetings


Brain Food: The Best Meeting Snacks

Touring the Møller Institute conference rooms

The conference room trends dominating 2020

Picture of brain food for effective meetings at Moller Institute

Brain food for effective meetings

Picture of people in a meeting at the Moller

Ignite productivity with an off-site meeting

Picture of a meeting at the Moller

7 Essentials for any off-site meeting venue

Picture of technology in Moller Centre meeting rooms

Top tips for large conference calls

Networking Lunch

How can a Networking Lunch Benefit you?

Outside business meeting

Want to revitalise your attendees and enhance the impact of your meeting? Take it outside

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