Executive Education at Møller Institute
Executive Education at Møller Institute

The People and Place for your Leadership and Professional Development

The Møller Institute is the leadership development institute at Churchill College, University of Cambridge, providing space and context for the development of current and future leaders in government, industry, academia and civil society.

A Bespoke Approach to Leadership, Strategy and Innovation Development

The Møller Institute utilises a distinctive and contemporary approach to learning and development which is based on nearly 30 years of experience empowering organisational and individual growth.

All programmes are grounded in applied theory and blended with real life case studies, simulations and scenarios which build on the knowledge and insights of the Institute’s Associates.

We build on this platform by incorporating industry and practitioner perspectives from a large established pool of experienced global leaders, thinkers and contributors from across the University of Cambridge.

Picture of Professor Sharon Peacock

Person in Profile

Professor Sharon Peacock CBE

Professor Sharon Peacock is the eighth Master of Churchill College, University of Cambridge, where she oversees its democratic self-governance and fosters discussions on achieving the College’s educational mission.




Issue 05 | August 2022

Inspire - Future Leaders

Belonging and leadership

What every young leader needs to know: Managing your personal brand

Can't buy me love? Law firms, talent and reward

Picture of the front cover of Inspire magazine